Lifestyle Changes for Wrinkle Prevention

Wrinkles are a normal and natural part of aging, and although it's impossible to completely avoid their onset, there is a lot that you can do to prevent how much of an impact they'll have on your skin and how early you'll begin to notice them. You can always learn more about wrinkle prevention and treatment by contacting our Urbandale, IA, dermatologist, Dr. Timothy Abrahamson of Greater Des Moines Dermatology.

Protect Yourself Against the Sun

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can not only put you at greater risk for developing skin cancer, but it can also lead to premature aging of your skin. So for the sake of its health and appearance make sure to wear sunscreen whenever you'll be spending time outdoors. Also, avoid the use of tanning beds as these emit much more UV light than what you may experience just being out in the sun unprotected.

Avoid Smoking

Collagen production is reduced naturally as you age, which is what causes wrinkles to begin to show. Both sun damage and smoking negatively impact your body's ability to produce collagen, leading to the development of wrinkles. Smoking in itself can lead to a wide number of health problems so it's always a good idea to stop.


Along with regular skin moisturizing, don't forget to include drinking plenty of water in your beauty routine. Keeping yourself and your skin hydrated can reduce the appearance of wrinkles as well as protect against a variety of skin conditions. Make sure to remove your makeup every day to allow your skin to breathe and to prevent dirt and oil buildup.

Wrinkles Treatment in Urbandale, IA

While there are factors outside your control there is still a lot that you can do to prevent wrinkles, and there are also a variety of treatment options to reduce the appearance of wrinkles available with our Urbandale, IA, dermatologist. You can learn more about them by scheduling a visit with Dr. Abrahamson of Greater Des Moines Dermatology by dialing (515) 243-8676.

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