What Are Moles?

Moles are common skin growths composed of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These are usually black or brown but can also be pink or other shades. They can also be raised in areas and vary in size, shape and color.

Moles can appear anywhere on the body, including areas not exposed to the sun.

Most moles are harmless, however some moles have the potential to turn into more serious things like skin cancer.

Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology can perform skin checks in West Des Moines, IA, to check out any moles you may be concerned about.

What Causes Moles?

A combination of genetic factors and exposure to UV radiation from the sun can cause moles to pop up on the skin. In general, individuals with fair skin, light hair and a history of sun exposure tend to have a higher number of moles. 

Hormonal changes can also contribute to developing moles.

Skin Checks

Regular skin checks are an important part of your holistic healthcare. Detecting skin cancer early significantly improves the chances of treatment being successful. Dr. Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in West Des Moines, IA is experienced in skin checks and skin cancer detection.

During a skin check, a dermatologist will examine your moles with a magnifier and decide if they are harmless or if they need to be biopsied. Outside your regular skin checks, it's crucial to monitor moles for any alterations in size, shape and color. Symptoms like moles itching or bleeding may also require medical attention.

Your dermatologist will also go through previous skin issues you might have had, along with your personal and family history.

Book a Skin Check

If you haven't had a skin check in a while, you might consider booking an appointment with a dermatologist. Dr. Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in West Des Moines, IA can perform skin checks for you.

To book an appointment, call the team at (515) 243-8676.

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