In some cases, you might find that no matter how much you diet and exercise, there’s some fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of. This can feel infuriating and make it difficult for you to feel your best. It’s also important that you’re maintaining a healthy weight and when you’re struggling to get rid of stubborn fat, this can be difficult to do. Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA, can explain how fat reduction can improve your life and your health.

How Fat Reduction Can Help You

When you’re dealing with stubborn fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of, it can not only affect your confidence but also your health. You might struggle to maintain a healthy weight and it can be frustrating when diet and exercise just can’t help target that last bit of fat. Fat reduction from your dermatologist in Urbandale, IA, can help get rid of pesky fat that doesn’t seem to go away naturally.

With age and weight loss also comes sagging or flabby skin. This can also affect your emotional and mental health and you might feel awkward about showing off these areas in public. When you consider getting fat reduction, you can also sculpt your body and get rid of sagging skin. This can help you start looking and feeling your best in no time.  

Fat reduction can help improve your BMI and get rid of fat that could be affecting your health. This treatment can also help you treat cellulite which could affect how you look.

Contact Our Dermatologist Today

Find out how you can improve your looks and your health. Contact Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA, to learn more about fat reduction and how it can improve your life. Call for more information and to schedule your consultation appointment at (515) 243-8676.

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