A mole, medically termed a nevus, is a cluster of pigmented cells on your skin. They're generally harmless, appearing in various shapes, sizes, and colors. While most moles pose no threat, some changes might signal concern. Suspicious signs include asymmetry (one half doesn't match the other), irregular borders, variations in color, diameter wider than a pencil eraser, or evolving moles, changing in size, shape, or color.

When you notice alterations in a mole's appearance, seeking professional evaluation is crucial. Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology specializes in dermatological care, providing expertise in identifying and treating concerning skin conditions. His personalized approach ensures thorough examination and explanation of anomalies found. Do you have a previously uniform mole developing irregular edges or changing color? Scheduling an appointment for dermatology in Urbandale, IA, can provide reassurance or prompt necessary intervention.

When Should I Get a Mole Examined?

Regularly examining your moles is crucial for detecting changes that might signal a dermatologist's evaluation. Look for the ABCDEs: asymmetry (one half not matching the other), irregular borders, varying colors, larger diameter, and evolving size, shape, or color. If you notice these signs, it's time for a professional evaluation. 

If a mole becomes asymmetrical, where one half looks different from the other, or if its borders start to become irregular, resembling notched edges rather than a smooth outline, consider Dr. Abrahamson's opinion.

Consider dermatology for any mole that changes in color and size or exceeds the diameter of a pencil eraser. If you observe a mole that seems to evolve, whether in terms of size, shape, or color, or if it starts to itch, bleed, or become painful, these are indicators to consult a dermatologist promptly.

Visit Dr. Timothy Abrahamson to Prevent Complications

To ensure optimal skin health, consider visiting Dr. Timothy Abrahamson for dermatology in Urbandale, IA, for mole assessments. Schedule a visit if you notice irregularities or if moles start itching, bleeding, or becoming irregular.

Early detection of abnormal moles can prevent potential complications like skin cancer. Dr. Abrahamson's expertise and compassionate care provide thorough examinations, precise diagnoses, and proactive treatment plans. Regular check-ups are crucial, especially if you have a family history of skin issues or excessive sun exposure.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Your skin deserves expert care—act now for a brighter, more confident tomorrow. To book an appointment for dermatology in Urbandale, IA and Des Moines, IA, with Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology, call (515) 243-8676.

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