You might find that no matter how often you exercise or how well you eat, there are certain areas of fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of. You might also notice that you’ve got flabby skin around your thighs, underarms, stomach, or buttocks and it makes you feel uncomfortable with how you look. When you’re struggling to feel your best about how you look, it can really impact how you see yourself and how you function each day. Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA, can explain if fat reduction is a good option for you.

Considering Fat Reduction

When it comes to sculpting your body, it can be difficult to do without any additional help. You might find yourself losing hope when you keep struggling to lose that last bit of fat. It can also be scary to consider surgical weight loss methods, so it’s important to know that there are non-surgical options that can help contour your body and help you look your best.

Your dermatologist in Urbandale, IA, can offer TruSculpt iD as a fat reduction method to help you feel and look like your best self again. You may be a good candidate if you are just looking to lose that last bit of stubborn fat that exercise and eating well just won’t get rid of. It’s important that you already have good habits that you can turn to in order to maintain your results.

Fat reduction can also be used if you’re looking to sculpt specific areas of your body and target small areas. If you’re looking to tone your abs but genetics make this difficult, fat reduction can help.

Contact Our Dermatologist Today

Find out how you can feel and look like your best self again! Contact Dr. Timothy Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA, to learn about fat reduction and if you’re right for this procedure! Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (515) 243-8676.

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