A good diet and regular exercise can do a lot to improve both your appearance and also your overall health, but for many, these steps are not enough to get the results they want. If you find yourself struggling with those extra pounds or with muscle definition, then consult with your Urbandale, IA, dermatologist about the benefits of truSculpt Flex+, learn more by reaching out directly to Dr. Timothy Abrahamson of Greater Des Moines Dermatology.


You may be familiar with truSculpt ID, the non-surgical and non-invasive treatment for reducing fat from stubborn areas, those that are difficult to target simply with lifestyle changes and working out.

On the other hand, truSculpt Flex+ offers a similar treatment, also non-surgical and non-invasive, that instead focuses on the targeted building of muscles in specific areas of your body. It can help you increase muscle mass in up to 8 different areas at once.

So if you're interested in both burning fat and increasing muscle mass then ask your doctor about the benefits of truBody by truSculpt, which combines the features of both truSculpt ID and truSculpt Flex+.  truBody   Trusculpt flex + 

The treatment itself is fast and can often take only about 15 minutes, but it can depend on the number of areas you're having treated.  

Dermatologist in Urbandale, IA

The procedure is typically tailored to someone's individual needs, so many will qualify for the treatment.

But it is usually recommended for healthy individuals whose weight is stable and close to their ideal goals, and whose expectations are realistic in regards to what be accomplished. It's a conversation that's important to have with your doctor.

Although muscle sculpting is not meant to be a replacement for either exercise nor diet, it can certainly supplement these and help you reach your goals. If you're interested in the benefits of the treatment you can schedule a consultation with your local Urbandale, IA, dermatologist Dr. Abrahamson of Greater Des Moines Dermatology by dialing (515) 243-8676.


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