Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure designed to remove unwanted hair. Using pulses of laser light, hair follicles in specific areas are damaged, while keeping the surrounding skin undamaged.

With enough sessions, the hair follicles will be destroyed and unable to produce hair. Laser hair removal is ideal for those who want to cease other hair removal methods like shaving, tweezing or waxing.

Dr. Timothy Abrahamson and his team offer laser hair removal. For more information, you can contact Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA.

What To Expect

Like many other treatments, there are some considerations to be made before your procedure. For two weeks prior, it is advised to avoid tanning, plucking or pulling the hair, to force the hair into a dormant state.

The day before, it is recommended to shave the treatment areas, or the laser will be unable to reach the follicle. Most people do not require numbing agents. However, you can apply a topical anesthetic to the area 40 minutes before the procedure if needed.

A cooling ultrasound gel will be applied, followed by the laser. You will see a quick flash of light and feel a slight sting or pinch, similar to the feel of a rubber band snapping. As hair grows in cycles, multiple treatments are recommended for full effectiveness. Dr. Abrahamson and the team generally recommend six cycles to ensure all hair is targeted during their Anagen phase.

After these initial sessions, you may need a maintenance session every 6-12 months to ensure hair loss is permanent. When booking your appointment for laser hair removal at our office, the team will advise in more detail on how to prepare for your session.

Book Your Consultation

If you're tired of using traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing or tweezing, laser hair removal is perfect for you. Book your consultation with Dr. Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA by calling (515) 243-8676.

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