TruSculpt is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to eliminate unwanted fat cells in targeted body areas. The procedure delivers heat energy to the fat cells, causing them to leave the body (naturally) over time as they break down.

Dr. Timothy Abrahamson of Greater Des Moines Dermatology may recommend TruSculpt in Urbandale, IA, to patients looking for a safe and effective way to reduce stubborn fat in areas resistant to diet and exercise. TruSculpt can provide noticeable results without surgery, anesthesia, or downtime, making it a convenient option for many patients.

FAQs About TruSculpt

Here are a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) our patients have asked about TruSculpt in Urbandale, IA. If yours is still outstanding, give us a call.

How Does TruSculpt Work?

TruSculpt uses radiofrequency technology to heat and destroy fat cells in the targeted area. The heat energy transmits through a contact pad on the skin's surface. Over time, the body's lymphatic system eliminates the body's lymphatic system.

Is TruSculpt Painful?

Most people experience little to no pain during the TruSculpt procedure. You may feel a warm/hot sensation as the device heats up, but it shouldn't be uncomfortable. Afterward, you may experience some mild soreness or tenderness in the treated area, but this should subside within a few days.

How Long Until I See Results?

Results from TruSculpt take within 8-12 weeks after the procedure. Some may see results sooner, while others may take longer. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine is recommended to maximize the results of TruSculpt.

Consult Our Dermatologist

It's worth consulting with Dr. Abrahamson to ensure it's the right option if you're considering TruSculpt as a non-invasive way to eliminate unwanted body fat.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Abrahamson will examine your problem areas and ask about your medical history to determine if TruSculpt is a safe and effective solution. He'll also explain the procedure, potential side effects, and what results you can expect. With a professional consultation, you can decide whether TruSculpt is appropriate for your aesthetic goals.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions about TruSculpt and want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Abrahamson at Greater Des Moines Dermatology in Urbandale, IA, call (515) 243-8676.

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